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Upper Limb Focus: The Wrist & Hand



Through following our course on the ‘The Wrist and hand’, you will be able to enhance your skills in identifying, understanding and appropriately managing the person presenting with a range of wrist and hand conditions. We will look to build your pattern recognition of common signs and symptoms, and will guide your understanding of clinical pathways and suggest potentially useful treatments and adjuncts. Ideas shall be presented for rehabilitation and active strategies, within the context of the person-centred care.

We will use a blended learning approach incorporating the video-based presentations, written text and clinical questions, the tutor’s clinical reflections, and summary points.

Our objectives for candidates on completion of the course participants is that you:

  • Will have an understanding of the area specific terminology to allow clarity of communication with other practitioners
  • Will be able to classify wrist and hand conditions from an intra- and extra-articular and red flag framework
  • Will be aware of red flag pathology and alternative diagnoses for the person presenting with a wrist and hand complaint
  • Will be equipped with useful objective measures to assess and monitor your patients
  • Will be aware of common pathways for management and escalation of conditions
  • Will be encouraged to consider the person presenting with a wrist and hand complaint, including:
    • global health concerns and general health markers
    • broader assessment of needs through an individualised patient-centred framework
  • Participants will be able to develop a management plan, related to the needs of the individual person and informed by research evidence.


For more details on this course as well as the complementary modules on the stiff shoulder and elbow click here

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