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Upper Limb Focus: The Stiff Shoulder



Following this course on the ‘Stiff Shoulder’, you will be able to identify the person presenting with a stiff and painful shoulder, and navigate their diagnosis to:

  • Red Flag presentations
  • The Osteoarthritic Shoulder
  • The Frozen Shoulder
  • The Pseudo-stiff shoulder

A blended learning approach is utilised incorporating the use of video-based presentations, text, quizzes, and summary points. This is to account for individual learning styles as well as to ensure application of Bloom’s Taxonomy through cognitive, affective and sensory domains. Specifically,

  • Participants will be aware of red flag pathology and alternative diagnoses for the person presenting with a stiff and painful shoulder
  • Participants will be encouraged to consider the person presenting with a stiff and painful shoulder, including:
    • Global health concerns and markers, plus broader assessment of needs through an individualised patient-centred framework
  • Participants will be able to develop a management plan, related to the needs of the individual person and informed by research evidence.

For more details on this course as well as the complementary modules on the elbow, wrist & hand click here

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