Participants will update their knowledge on epidemiology, anatomy and relevant biomechanics of Rotator Cuff Related Shoulder Pain (RCRSP) as well as join a discussion on the relevance of the subacromial space in this pathology. Participants will be able to define the key signs and symptoms of a patient with RCRSP and be able to select the relevant diagnostic tools for a patient with RCRSP. Participants will update their knowledge on the differential diagnosis of patients with RCRSP and discuss the relevance of the scapulothoracic joint and scapula dyskinesia with regards to RCRSP.
About the speaker
Filip Struyf is a (sports-) physiotherapist and professor at the Department of Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy at the University of Antwerp, Belgium. At the University, he coordinates research within the field of musculoskeletal disorders, more specifically in shoulder disorders. Filip is vice-president of the educational comity at his department, editor of the Dutch/Flemish Journal of Sports Medicine, and co-founder and board member of the Flemish Shoulder Network. He has published over 70 PubMed-cited articles and teaches courses on shoulder assessment and rehabilitation at both national and international levels. Finally, Filip combines his academic work with the assessment and treatment of patients with shoulder pain in private clinical practice. Recently, Filip was awarded as world-leading expert in shoulder pain according to Expertscape (http://expertscape.com/ex/shoulder+pain)
Follow Filip on Twitter on @FilipStruyf