Introduction & Basic PrinciplesOur orthopedic physiotherapy course offers a fantastic learning opportunity for all levels of physiotherapists: students, starting physiotherapists, and experienced physiotherapists who want to rehearse, broaden and deepen their knowledge in orthopedic physiotherapy. No prerequisites required!
You will develop a structured approach to screening, patient-history taking, assessment, and intervention of the most common injuries in the upper and lower extremities. This course will take you deeper into the clinical reasoning and understanding behind physical examination. So while our videos on YouTube might answer “how” things are done, this course will help you to understand the “why”!
For each pathology, you will be able to:
- understand the incidence and prevalence
- judge its course based on negative prognostic factors
- define the pathophysiological mechanism of injury
- recognize clinical signs & symptoms
- form a diagnosis and conduct special testing
- propose treatment recommendations
The content constantly refers to the latest research and science so you know your skills are up to date. Furthermore, you will develop a clinical pattern for each pathology during the course. Do it well and you walk away with a valuable resource to use during your studies or in the clinic.
Furthermore, the course includes short video quizzes in each unit, a total of six case studies that you can use to practice differential diagnosis per body region, and three chapter quizzes to assess your learning process and to solidify your newly acquired knowledge! Submitting these assignments will award you credits you can redeem for solutions to the case studies.
We are sure that after taking this course you will be more confident in dealing with patients during your internship or in practice who present with new complaints!
Accredited for continuing education credits in The Netherlands (KRF & Keurmerk), Belgium (PQK), the UK & 40 states in the US soon. Click for more info
  To receive the badge & certificate you will need a score of 70% in the three summative quizzes.
Great course
I thinks this course is great, I find the framework it teaches you very useful in assessing my patients. I like how the different pathologies are very clearly explained from epidemiology to pathophysiology to diagnostics to treatment, all evidence based. The Physiotutors-style videos used to explain the subject matter are really useful for studying too. Finally, the assingments at the end of the chapters are a great way to test and practice your knowledge on the subject you just studied.
A great resource for new grads
I have found this course to be very well put together. Firstly the formatting is very user friendly – it’s easy to work through but also very to easy to navigate to specific sections to use as a reference resource. As always with these guys the videos are very high quality. The attention to detail with academic references is also spot on. You can be assured that the info is evidence based. Overall, highly recommended.
The University of the Future
Awesome Course!!!, honestly it´s the University of future, you will learn all the commmon pathologies of the body with just 1 click: epidemiology, prognostic factors, course, asessment and treatment, everything from a scientific point of view. Well structured, easy to read, fast navegation, high quality videos. You will be able to answer your patient how long the complaints will last base on the last evidence with proper numbers, giving a fair prognosis which will help you to keep them motivate to the therapy and be patients and constant. There is no a day when I dont use it in the practice to consult a specific test or the sensibility of this one. Even you get you acreditation points, a bunch of them actually in comparison with other courses that you will never use in your daily routine. 100% advisable!!!
Curso Magnifico!!!, honestamente, es la universidad del futuro, aprenderá todas las patologÃas comunes del cuerpo con un solo clic: epidemiologÃa, factores pronósticos, curso, evaluación y tratamiento, todo desde un punto de vista cientÃfico. Bien estructurado, fácil de leer, navegación rápida, videos de alta calidad. Podrás responder a tu paciente cuánto tiempo durarán sus molestias basado en la última evidencia con los números adecuados, lo que les dará un pronóstico justo que los ayudará a mantenerlos motivados para la terapia y ser pacientes y constantes. No hay un dÃa en el que no lo use en la práctica para consultar una test especÃfico o la sensibilidad de este. Incluso se obtienen puntos de acreditación, un monton ellos en comparación con otros cursos que luego nunca usas en su rutina diaria. 100% recomendable!!
It was an excellent course! Took me 33 hours and 26 minutes to complete. I liked the cases a lot and the statistics gave me a totally new point of view to assess different tests. This course will make me a better physiotherapist. Thank you!
Great illustration of what online education should be!
The great course with absolutely new approache to study information online!
Content is extremely useful in daily physiotherapy routine and all the material is based upon scientific researches. I did rehearse the screening and assessment process.
Great illustration of what online education should be!
Great course, very good value!
As I said, great course. When you take this course, you’re being pushed into improving your assessment skillset.
This course showed me some new insights that I can use in my own practice.
The course is easy to follow in your own time.
I really enjoyed it!
Thanks guys!
Great course!
Super tevreden met de cursus! Heel veel nuttige informatie die makkelijk toepasbaar is op de dagelijkse fysiotherapeutische praktijk. Naast de diagnostische testen ook veel gehad aan de ‘treatment’ gedeeltes voor in de praktijk.
Al om al, heel fijne cursus voor een beginnend fysiotherapeut.
Great course for not only first year physios but also experienced physios.
I’ve been working in this field for 10 years and still learn from many resources such as books, youtube channels, essays and so on. And this course is awesome because it’s time efficacy and broad perspective of information in each chapter from basic anatomy, pathophysiology, to treatment. After taking this course for 5 months, I able to give more clear, updated information about each patient’s conditions and course of the current problem.
I hope you guys make another course for the spine . I wil take it!
great course for refressing your knowledge about the extremities
my first online course and i can recommended it to everyone to trie this course. the methods used are easy to understand and the way the course has been build up is perfect
Great course
Great course, very nice and clean, full attention to details, great job boys!
Prima cursus!
Goed te doen, erg duidelijk en duidelijk veel waar voor het geld. Aanrader!
Great course.
Super cursus!! Overzichtelijk en up to date.
Zeer leerzaam!
Zeer leerzame cursus, welke zeker de moeite en tijd waard is!
Gaat goed stapsgewijs dieper in op de stof.
Zorg er wel voor dat je engels up-to-date is.
The course was very interesting 🙂 Learned a lot!
Uitstekende manier van leren.
Leerzame Cursus!!!!!
Erg leerzaam, vraagt af en toe wel iets van je vermogen om Engels te kunnen.
Uitleg is duidelijk en goed stapsgewijs uit gelegd.
The future of physiotherapy
I think this course should be done by all physiotherapists! The evidence based principle should be adopted by every physiotherapist, this course is a great way to learn how to apply tests, but also background information, advice for patients and some rehabilitation. I believe this kind of course is the future of physiotherapy and is very suitable for everyone.
Perfect information
Much of it was fresh rehearsal including some new insights! Would recommend.
My compliments for this online course! I’m feeling all up to date now! I can se why it is highly accredited with the KNGF. Other than expected I quite enjoyed taking the course! Good structure ,good balance between text en videos and content en quiz. For me the assessment assignments worked great to lock the knowledge in! Quizzes are sufficiantly challenging and force/ motivate to really study the contents, think about it and listen to the questions carefully!
Great video footage of tests and exercises! Great links to articles! All very useful for dailey practice (even in osteopathy ;)) and immediately applicable! Should contribute to communication with other health care specialists e.g. when it comes to clinical reasoning for requesting further medical examination e.g. immaging. I already recommended the course to several colleagues!
One point of attention: I got the feeling that the short quizzes at the end of each unit didn’t always mach the unit’s content or plainly state differently (e.g. Type of SLAP lesions).
Goede opbouw en uitleg per onderdeel.
Starkes Konzeot!
Starkes Konzept wissenschaftlich untermauert für die Haupt-Diagnosen der Extremitäten. Sehr übersichtliches Design. Gute Möglichkeit das Lernen einzuteilen. Fortbildung der Zukunft. Nur zu empfehlen. Freue mich auf die nächsten Kurse!
Really really great!
Everything is extremely well-researched and carefully structured! My only complaint, or actually just a hope for their future courses is that more things should to be structured as bullet points. It can sometimes hard to remember facts from a big block of text. Other than that, amazing. Thanks for your great work guys, it’s been a big help!
Great Course
They go, from the basic assessment to the lower and upper limb, step by step with scientific reasoning. It’s a very usefull course to improve your clinical reasoning in practice.
Fun and easy to implement in the clinical practise
Took my time to learn and enjoy form this course!
Would definitely recommend this to other physiotherapist who work in the first-line care.
I love it
This course really helps the starting physio. It gives you more convidence. The first year out of school i was really not convident and after this ( relative cheap) course, it got better! Thanks a lot physiotutors! I also got motivation to start studying manual therapy, as i know now, that there is way more to learn.
Orthopaedic Physiotherapy of the Upper & Lower Extremities
Great course and highly recommended. As a current sports therapy student looking to progress to Physiotherapy this provided invaluable insights and added depth of understanding in a range of areas.
i love this way of learning
i would recommend this course to everyone.
if i may give one suggestion that is maybe hard to implement. but i sometimes struggle with explaining things in patient language. so maybe add some frequent asked questions / mechanisms from patients and how to explain it simple or with a metaphore ?
Thanks again for all your work putted in to this course <3
Great course
Great course, lots of information, the instruction videos are really helpful.
Awesome and fundamental course for every physio worldwide
I participate for the last 6 weeks at this course.
It was fully worth it.
Very objective perspective with the right backround through current knowledge in science.
Despite it was very useful for daily practice with fundamental tests witch you can perform without a “specific” hand feeling. That`s evidence based practice par excellence!
Highly recommended for every physio beginner or advanced physio, who will dive deep into orthopaedic physiotherapy.
Excellent but missing printed version
Such an informative course, covers everything a physio requires! Would be better if they offered a printed material! Had a hard time with reviewing due to availability solely on e version.
Useful and clear
The course consists of easily understandable bite sized lessons. This way it was easy to spend a little time every day to work on this course. All information is easily to find and it is not too much information to remember. It really helped me as a starting physio to get more structure and confidence in my intakes and testing procedures.
Sometimes there are some grammatical or spelling mistakes, but those don’t bother me. Sometimes it would have been nice to maybe have had a bit more information on treatments though.
All-in-all a great course that I would recommend, especially for starting physio’s!
Great course; gives you a good foundation to build upon. As for potential improvements; maybe include a bit more articles that are freely available for people that don’t have access to the scientific database.
Very professional content based on references of quality, plenty of precious knowledge that you can acquire wherever and whenever you want and revise forevever. The best way to control and use all this knowledge and upgrade your level of professional skills . A must for everyone who wants to be an effective physiotherapist. Thanks for your tremendous work!
Great course! It allows you to make objective assessments with order and clarity. As a result, it is possible to set up effective and efficient treatments.
I also found the sections on the epidemiology and course of the diseases very useful, in order to educate patients and obtain greater compliance with the treatment. Super recommended!!
Orthopedic Physiotherapy of the Upper and Lower extremities
Super interessante en leuke cursus. Ook zeker voor afgestudeerde fysiotherapeuten om hun kennis weer op te halen/bij te spijkeren. Ondanks dat ik al 5 jaar werkzaam ben als fysiotherapeut was deze cursus zeker een uitdaging en op veel punten echt heel moeilijk en leerzaam.
Het enige vervelende (waar weinig aan gedaan kan worden). de vertalingen eng-nl zijn soms heel onduidelijk.
Al met al zeer genoten tijdens het volgen van deze cursus en er zullen er zeker meerdere volgen.
Superb course
This course was everything I expected and more! Logical structure, enough depth and clinical reasoning is challenged.
Excellent Course
High quality course, with practical information that can immediately be applied, based on scientific literature up to date. Excellent to summarize the fundamentals of assessment.
Goede cursus om alles weer even op te frissen
Ik vond het een hele handige en nuttige cursus! Heb het vooral gebruikt als opfrisser na een half jaar niet als fysio te hebben gewerkt, maar merkte ook wat nieuwe dingen te hebben opgestoken. Daarnaast geeft de cursus ook een goed overzicht per aandoening/regio!
Fijne cursus
Ik heb deze cursus een half jaar na afstuderen gedaan. Ik vond het een fijne cursus om mijn kennis weer op te frissen en me verder te verdiepen in bepaalde aandoeningen.
Excellent course
Very pleased. It was thorough and well worth it!
Echt wauw, physiotutors is voor mij een geweldige ontdekking
De cursus is geweldig.
– een goede methodische opbouw voor het leren
– duidelijke toelichting
– video’s
– quizen om je te testen, maar niet te lang en tussentijds
– literatuur
Gewoon ideaal! Voor opfrissen, voor nieuwe dingen leren en gewoon goed.
Great, compact and clinically relevant course!
This course is compact, clinically relevant, extremely well-researched and carefully structured. I can really recommend it!
Great course! Compact and clinically relevant!
This course is compact, clinically relevant, extremely well-researched and carefully structured. I can really recommend it! I like the theory and especially the cases. Thank you!
Good evidence based course!
I would recommend people taking this course if they want to have a good understanding of the current evidence of upper and lower extremity conditions treated by physical therapy.
Erge goede bruikbare cursus
Zeker aan te raden. De meest voorkomende pathologiën komen aan bod . opbouw cursus is goed. Zeer overzichtelijk. Zeer gebruiksvriendelijk menu. Zeer goede bruikbare info welke je in de praktijk goed kan gebruiken. Top trouwens dat je altijd de cursus kunt nalezen indien nodig
Very comprehensive course
A very good course that is structured very thoroughly on the most common pathologies of the upper and lower extremities. Everything is evidence-based.
Since the lessons are mostly text-based to read, the processing can be quite exhausting at times. Here, individual sections could be diversified by incorporating lectures.
Particularly good is that the individual lessons are summarized with small quizzes and other interactive materials.
Overall, highly recommended.
Complet, Ã jour !
Prima cursus!
Ik wilde zelf de cursus doen als herhaling van de stof. Echter kreeg ik ook voor mij allerlei nieuwe informatie. Duidelijk en beknopt beschreven, goede quizzen en heel fijn dat je het altijd opnieuw kan inzien
Goede evidende-based cursus!
Ik ben van mening dat elke fysiotherapeut baat zou hebben bij het volgen van deze cursus! Het toepassen van evidence-based principes zou een standaard moeten zijn voor alle fysiotherapeuten. Deze cursus biedt niet alleen een uitstekende mogelijkheid om testvaardigheden te ontwikkelen, maar ook om achtergrondinformatie te verkrijgen, advies te bieden aan patiënten en een vorm van revalidatie te implementeren. Ik ben ervan overtuigd dat dergelijke cursussen de toekomst van de fysiotherapie vormen en geschikt zijn voor alle professionals in dit vakgebied.
Great course!
Great course for deepening your knowledge about diagnosis and treatments!
Verfrissende cursus
Als starter binnen de fysiotherapie helpt deze cursus je alle kennis goed op te helderen
Fantastische cursus
Een fantastische cursus om zowel kennis op te helderen als om nieuwe kennis op te doen. De indeling per gedeelte van de wervelkolom met de bijbehorende pathologieën geeft een goede opheldering en verdieping.
Bruikbare en Evidence- Based Cursus!
Goede en prettige cursus om te gebruiken in de praktijk!
The course was very comprehensive and well covered for the basics of physiotherapy course.
Aan te raden cursus, leerzaam en overzichtelijk.
Great Refresher
Really accessible and interesting course. Mostly all refreshment but great to have the most up to date evidence at hand.
Zeer complete goede cursus
Ik ben een jaartje eruit geweest als fysiotherapeut en heb deze cursus gedaan om mijn kennis weer op te frissen.
Ik vond de cursus zeer compleet, uitgebreid en prettig in elkaar zitten. Veel van de informatie en de manier van presenteren doen me denken aan hoe het ook op de opleiding werd gedaan. Ik kom een hoop dingen tegen die sindsdien alweer verbeterd zijn, de informatie is zeer up to date!
De toetsen zijn relevant voor de onderwerpen en overal ben ik gewoon erg blij met de cursus
The Upper And Lower Extremity
Prima cursus waarbij alles weer eens goed wordt opgefrisd.
Goeie opfris cursus
Onlangs deze cursus gevold online. Erg prettig dat je zelf op een vrij moment een stukje van de cursus kunt doen. Verder een goeie cursus om als ervaren fysiotherapeut te doen om je kennis en kunde wat op te frissen.
Great Course
Very educational and informative, even for an experienced physio.
handily divided into chapters with a quiz at the end of each section. making your progress evident and easy to track.
overall a great course!
Orthopedische fysiotherapie van de bovenste en onderste ledematen
Mooie, beargumenteerde cursus over de meest voorkomende pathologien in de bovenste en onderste extremiteit.
Mooie opfris cursus
Als je inmiddels meer dan 13 jaar geleden afgestudeerd bent dan is dit een super mooie en complete cursus om je skills weer te testen en daar waar nodig op te frissen. Aanrader.
Fijne Cursus!
Deze cursus kan ik alle fysiotherapeuten aanraden!
Duurt langer dan verwacht
De cursus is goed en duidelijk. Alleen neemt het wel meer tijd in beslag dan ik dacht dat het zou nemen.
Heel handige cursus
Duidelijke opbouw van de cursus, handige filmpjes en een leuke manier om je kennis weer op te frissen.
Zeker aan te raden!
Best online course since years
Super helpfull en interesting course with short video’s of tests to better understand what is explained in that specific chapter. Each chapter has it’s own quiz so you can test your knowledge inmediatly without disruption of new info from new chapters. This will be my go to online course platform.
Basis cursus
Prima cursus. Opbouw van alle onderdelen zijn duidelijk. Mooi om weer wat meer inzicht te krijgen in verschillende aandoeningen van de bovenste en onderste extremiteiten. Het kan goed gebruikt worden als basis voor je behandelingen. Echter mis ik de realistische casussen, dat zou deze cursus voor mij compleet maken.
Excellent for any practicing physio to refresh on prevelance and cource of musckuloskeletal pathology, cource and EBP Treatment
– Ease of learning *****
– EPB aproach *****
– structure of learning *****
goede basiscursus
goede algemene cursus op alle info even terug op te frissen.
Bovenste en onderste extremiteit
Duidelijke, overzichtelijke en leerzame cursus
The Lower & Upper Extremity
Een hele fijne cursus, die mijn kennis van mijn studiejaren wat gedetailleerden heeft opgehelderd. Raad het alle fysiotherapeuten aan om het te volgen. Physiotutors, jullie zijn goed bezig!
orthopedische kinesitherapie bovenste en onderste lidmaat
Handige cursus om enkele jaren na het afstuderen nog eens je kennis van orthopedische letsels van het onderste en bovenste lidmaat te herhalen. Wat ook heel praktisch is, is dat je deze cursus kan volgen op elk vrij moment dat voor jezelf past en later nog eens bepaalde zaken in kan gaan opzoeken.
Great at being basic!
I have been out of practice for a few years and I was very self-conscious about my knowledge. This was a great way to revise the basics in a very summarized but still detailed way! It really helped me get my confidence back!
Leuke Cursus
Handig als je al een tijdje fysio bent.
Je verfrist je kennis en krijgt een steuntje in de rug v.w.b je handelen in de parktijk.
Heb het mijn stagaire al aangeraden omdat ook je klinisch redeneren hierdoor veel logischer wordt.
Great course
Well structured and very clear.
Great for students or for more experienced practitioners who want to stay up to date with the latest evidence.